Sir, - The opening date of December 6th for the northern section of the M50 is over two months ahead of schedule and not 12 months…

Sir, - The opening date of December 6th for the northern section of the M50 is over two months ahead of schedule and not 12 months behind, as Mr Cosgrave (letter, October 28th) states. The major benefit of the route will be to link six national road routes (N1 to N81) and remove significant through traffic from the city centre and northern suburbs.

Although, as Mr Cosgrave points out, the entire loop will not be complete, the current section represents a major advance, It will be much appreciated by those with journeys requiring travel between the north-east - including Dublin Airport and the west, midlands and southwest of the country. Le meas,

County engineer, Fingal County Council, PO Box 174, 46/49 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin 1.