A chara, - Following the Good Friday Agreement, there is now a unique opportunity for the Irish Government to strengthen the rights of Irish citizens, including the right of citizens in the Six Counties to send representatives to Leinster House and to vote in referendums and presidential elections. Sinn Fein believes that Six-County representation would be a progressive step, fully in accord with the spirit of the Good Friday Agreement, which would benefit all those living on the island.
The All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution is currently considering this issue. I would urge all those individuals and groups who wish to uphold the rights of Irish citizens in the Six Counties, and to build upon the all-Ireland aspects of the Good Friday Agreement, to make submissions to the Committee urging that the fullest representation possible for northern nationalists be recommended. This is a decision which ultimately will be made by the people of the 26 Counties as constitutional change will be required. - Is mise, Caoimhghin O Caolain TD, Sinn Fein,
Parnell Square, Dublin 1.