No Euro Key

Sir, - Never underestimate the base cunning of our new Euromeisters in advancing their grand design.

Sir, - Never underestimate the base cunning of our new Euromeisters in advancing their grand design.

When they finally set EMU on the road some weeks back, a new currency unit, the Euro, entered the financial lexicon to join the pound and the dollar as global trading currencies. Its logo however - a sort of an e with two bars running through it (obviously designed by a committee) does not currently exist on any standard typewriter or computer keyboard.

Thus, in a truly stunning display of arrogant insouciance, not seen since the previous Roman Empire, they have peremptorily consigned all existing commercial typewriters and computer keyboards to the nearest dustbin, for want of a now-essential key!

It beggars belief. . . until you recall that you were promised that EMU would stimulate industrial production. They just omitted to mention that the computer hardware sector would be the principal driving force. Clever, eh? A self-fulfilling promise if ever there was one. - Yours, etc., Terence Ryan,


Gort, Co Galway.