Neglect of Irish studies

Madam, - We are shocked by the news that the chair of Old Irish at UCD is still vacant, and even in danger of being suppressed…

Madam, - We are shocked by the news that the chair of Old Irish at UCD is still vacant, and even in danger of being suppressed.

It is inconceivable that the largest national university of Ireland should give up the study of Old Irish literature and language. If "Old Europe" wants to succeed in its struggle against the American way of life, it has to pay keen attention to its cultural heritage.

Apart from all scholarly discussions, every educated European agrees that Ireland's ancient literature figures prominently among Europe's glories. If Ireland herself surrenders, how can the few Celticists in other countries (e.g. France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria) hope for a future for Celtic Studies? Can Ireland really afford to give up the study of her own language, literature and history?

So many other chairs at UCD remain vacant for all too long (see Prof Ó Corráin's letter of May 3rd). Tendencies adverse to all disciplines which do not produce immediate profits in cash should not be allowed to ruin a great tradition which has still to teach us so much about our national histories, and the cultural bases of our common future. - Yours, etc.,


Prof STEFAN ZIMMER, Indo-European and Celtic, University of Bonn,
