Madam, – Following Thursday’s tragic plane crash at Cork Airport, a number of inquiries are underway. It is wholly appropriate that such time and energy should be invested in establishing the cause or causes of this terrible accident, and it is to be earnestly hoped that the results and recommendations of these investigations will prevent any similar tragedies happening in the future.
The deepest condolences of all Irish people are with the families of the victims of the Cork crash.
I find it deeply curious, however, that not one investigation has yet taken place into the crash of the Irish economy in 2008. The causes of that crash have yet to be forensically established, and it is therefore entirely conceivable that a repetition of our economic meltdown could occur in the future. In particular, there needs to be a thorough investigation of all of the events leading up to and including the blanket bank guarantee of September 29th, 2008.
Given that there have been hundreds of thousands of victims of our economic crash, they and the generations yet to come are fully entitled to a serious, focused probe into the causes and consequences of this unmitigated economic disaster. – Yours, etc,