A chara, - I read with dismay Nuala O'Faolain's column characterising the idea of Derry's John Hume as Ireland's President as "pathetic". Her column is wildly wrong throughout. On the Saturday night previous I was at a GAA prize-giving ceremony in a golf club in Fintona, south Tyrone. I have made many trips north of the Border for business and pleasure. I can only conclude that Nuala O'Faolain hasn't. She is wrong about the reality on the ground today among the nationalist grass roots in that statelet.
She argues that British cultural influence has led to the Catholic community in Ulster evolving differently to the rest of the Island. My niece of nine in Kilkenny spends her small savings on spice girls paraphernalia. UK culture permeates this entire island. There have been a few mean-spirited letters to your paper rejecting the idea of John Hume as our head of state. Maybe these people would prefer an a la carte attitude to the northern six counties. No John Hume in the Phoenix Park but yes, let's go along to Tyroneborn Moya Doherty's Riverdance. Let's go along to Brien Friel's or Frank McGuinness's latest premiere in the Abbey. Let's share the pleasure of Seamus Heaney's latest international literary success. Let's admire Liam Neeson's or Stephen Rea's cinematic prowess.
One feature of Dublin life for those of us who come from Munster is the way that Ulster people are everywhere adding to the vibrancy and creativity of Ireland's capital city. Derry's John Hume as our president in the Park would achieve a number of things. One of these would be sending a message to those northern nationalists who would never lift a hand in anger that we continue to value and respect their wish to consider themselves part of the Irish people. - Le meas, PAUL MORAN,
Warrington Place,
Dublin 2.