Drinking responsibly

Madam, – Could Ciaran Carney (December 29th) explain how we are taking responsibility for ourselves if we are to rely on greater…

Madam, – Could Ciaran Carney (December 29th) explain how we are taking responsibility for ourselves if we are to rely on greater regulation of the drinks industry? It would appear that this is just another call for another curb on people’s freedom in this country.

If Mr Carney had called for greater education of young people, I would readily support that, but within his letter he doesn’t offer any solutions other than State regulation.

There are already strict licensing laws within this State.

Most people drink responsibly, some others don’t. Most people eat responsibly, others don’t. How do we prevent excessive drinking or eating? Better education would be my first port of call. Most people can and will take responsibility for themselves rather than relying on an already overburdened nanny State. – Yours, etc,


The Warren,


Co Dublin.