Sir, - I hope Mr Donley will not have given the impression that to be an Anglican is synonymous with having a disdainful attitude…

Sir, - I hope Mr Donley will not have given the impression that to be an Anglican is synonymous with having a disdainful attitude towards the Mother of God. True, attitudes to her do vary among Anglicans: those who do not believe that Christ is God Incarnate (or even that God exists) will obviously have little time for Mary, Mother of God Incarnate. But among Anglicans who do believe still in the Divinity of Christ, there has been an increasing realisation that devotion to Mary expresses and buttresses this faith.

In the Church of England, the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham was restored as long ago as 1922, and is visited on pilgrimage by Anglicans from all over the world, led by bishops including Archbishops of Canterbury and York. Mr Don Icy would find there much use of those admirably Biblical devotions, the Rosary and the Angelus and even, sometimes, because Anglicans like to draw on the riches of East as well of West, that wonderful orthodox devotion to Our Lady, the Akathist Hymn.

Yours, etc.,

Head of Theology. lancing College.


Sussex, BN15 ORW.