Community jobs shutdown

Madam, - On May 23rd of this year the 10 participants (plus supervisor) on the Inistioge, Co Kilkenny FÁS Community Employment…

Madam, - On May 23rd of this year the 10 participants (plus supervisor) on the Inistioge, Co Kilkenny FÁS Community Employment Scheme were shocked and stunned when they were told verbally that the scheme was effectively shutting down for a month. Basically, we were being laid off with a week's notice. We were informed that the scheme year would recommence on June 30th of this year and we were advised to "sign on" for the intervening four weeks.

To say that this was a blow of enormous proportions is putting it at its most polite. The immediate effect was one of emotional distress and uncertainty. This was swiftly followed by the stark realisation of the financial anguish in which we would all promptly find ourselves.

It was explained by one of our scheme sponsors that this "closure" was a cost-cutting measure by the Department, in short, to juggle the accounts for the upcoming year and therefore have a more viable budget for 2003-2004. While we are all totally cognisant of Government budgetary constraints and the necessity of same, to treat the section of the community that the FÁS schemes are set up to help in such a shabby and inconsiderate manner is beyond belief.

The wage we receive from FÁS is, for many of us, the only income of the household. To have this taken from us, (without fair notice that could have allowed us to do some budgeting of our own), and thereby impose further financial pressure on an already stretched and limited resource shows a complete lack of regard and compassion for the very section of society that requires it the most. How many government officials were told that their salaries were being stripped from them for a month because "we all have to tighten our belts"? A bit of a redundant question, isn't it?


We suggest the Government takes a long hard look at what it has achieved financially this month.

Nothing gained through this budget-juggling can make up for the pain and distress enforced upon the FÁS participants and their families in Inistioge.

For several of the families, the payout from the unemployment benefits were not only insignificant but also delayed as late as up to three weeks. Some were forced to go to the welfare office, 16 miles away (incurring petrol cost) to ask for grocery money. Is this what our leaders want for the citizens of Ireland? Embarrassment and humiliation doled out to those already suffering?

We all lost three or four days' pay completely and when living pay cheque to pay cheque on a very strict allowance, this has disastrous consequences for ourselves and as a result, our children and dependants.

The "cost-cutting" measure assigned to us has the mark of the bully about it, don't you think? - Yours, etc.,


Community Employment Scheme,


Co Kilkenny.