Climate protests

Sir, – I wonder if the schoolchildren protesting against adult inaction on climate change have been taught in their geography classes that Sweden, shining example of Nordic environmental awareness and home of their inspirational leader Greta Thunberg, has almost 70 per cent of its land area under forestry. By comparison, Spain has a surprising 30 per cent, while Ireland is second last in the EU with only 11 per cent. Furthermore, Sweden generates its electricity mainly from nuclear (46 per cent) and hydro (50 per cent), giving it an impeccable lead in minimising greenhouse gas emissions. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.


Sir, – While it is truly admirable that so many students gave up their Friday in a busy academic year to protest about the Government’s initiatives on climate change, how many of them, particularly in fee-paying urban schools, take their parents’ 181-registered or newer petrol- or diesel-powered SUV to school, when the SUV never sees a field?

As the old saying goes, like charity, could action on climate change begin at home? One immediate small step taken by hundreds could have the impact of one big Government initiative, which could take years to put in place. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – In the interests of protecting the environment, could each student taking part in the climate change protests promise not to upgrade their mobile phone for the next five years? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 17.