Madam, – I understand the National Spring Clean is inviting us to address our litter problem during April.
I know I am not the only “eejit” who picks up the odd empty drink can when I go for a walk and throws it in with the family recycling. Somehow our efforts are not rewarded, as the drink cans continue to appear.
Why is it not possible to put a levy on cans, similar to the one on plastic bags, or a deposit as we had in the time of glass, to be refunded to the purchaser when the empty cans are returned to the retailer? - Yours, etc,
Madam, – Is it time for the authorities to implement a tax (like the plastic bag levy) on the plastic bottle and the cardboard cup?
Any monies raised by this tax could be used solely for the cleaning up these things. Not a solution to the problem, but it’s an idea – which is more than I have heard from anybody in authority. – Yours, etc,