Bicycle boom and cycling culture

Sir, – Regarding your Editorial “Bicycle Boom” (May 23rd), it is indeed great to see all the new bicycles about.

Sir, – Regarding your Editorial “Bicycle Boom” (May 23rd), it is indeed great to see all the new bicycles about.

Here in Dublin, the number of cyclists on our roads is exceeded only by the number of cyclists on our footpaths. – Yours, etc,


Upper Drumcondra Road,

Dublin 9.

Sir, – In Cork city, irresponsible and dangerous cycling on footpaths and pedestrian ways has become a way of life and a nightmare for pedestrians. Footpaths are no longer safe for the old, the unsighted and parents with small children. The Minister for Justice has informed me that “the Road Traffic Regulations (1997) provide that a pedal cycle shall not be driven wholly or partly along or across a footpath”.

He further states that “instances involving cycling on footpaths may constitute a more serious offence of riding a pedal cycle without reasonable consideration, careless riding of a pedal cycle or dangerous riding of a pedal cycle”.


Yet all the above infringements of the law occur on a daily basis and no action is taken. Why? – Yours, etc,


Old Youghal Road,
