Madam, - Homosexuality can no longer be considered a moral question. In light of present understanding, it cannot be disputed that some people are born heterosexual, and some homosexual. To be either is not a matter of free choice and we cannot contend that the good God causes a significant percentage of humanity to be born with, in moral terms, an evil physical nature.
Moral decisions must be open to an either/or choice, and, indeed, many young homosexuals are angry at their "fate" when they realise their own orientation - in which they had no choice.
As with all our inherent characteristics, morality comes into our choosing how we use our sexuality, whatever its orientation. The present debate in the Anglican Church should be replicated in all living churches, which must take our increasing understanding of the human condition into their considerations, teaching and practices. - Yours, etc.,
MAGGIE BLACKLEY, Gurrane, Fermoy, Co Cork.