A police service or a police force?

Sir, – In the recent and current controversies touching on some of our police and aspects of their policing, the Garda Síochána has been referred to variously as “the Force”, “a force” and even, most memorably, as “my Force”. Words matter, not least in their subliminal effects but also in what they reveal about those who use them.

In 2001 it was significant to many on this island that the Royal Ulster Constabulary was reconstituted as a police service for Northern Ireland – policing as a public service seems to have had both symbolic and practical effects.

However, many commentators in the Republic of Ireland, including ministers and commissioners, seem to overlook section 6 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005: “The police force called the Garda Síochána continues in being under this Act as a police service.”

Perhaps they are forgetful, or perhaps it is a force of habit. – Yours, etc,




Co Sligo.