More than 170 employees at the Roches Stores outlet in Wilton in Cork city met at their former place of work yesterday to discuss redundancy terms after a takeover deal with Marks and Spencer (M&S), which would have seen their jobs retained, fell through last week.
Site landlord Joe O'Donovan and M&S were unable to reach an agreement on the terms of a lease for the 45,000sq ft premises. Last Friday M&S said it was "deeply disappointed" a deal could not be reached in relation to the Wilton premises.
Yesterday the shop workers' union Mandate called on Roches Stores to reopen the store and to continue trading until either the situation was resolved or another tenant was found. However, such a move is thought to be highly unlikely as Roches Stores ceased trading over a month ago.
Mandate divisional representative in Cork Brian Moloney said it was important not to let Roches Stores "off the hook" with regard to the staff at Wilton.
"Basically, Mandate made our position quite clear," Mr Moloney said. "There was a guarantee given that their jobs were going to transfer to Marks and Spencer and we want them [ Roches] to take ownership of this situation.
"We want them to continue paying the staff. We want them to reopen the store and resume trading until such a time as they have found a new tenant for this store."
Mandate insists that all parties should engage in last-minute talks in an effort to resolve the dispute. It is understood Minister for Enterprise and Employment Micheál Martin undertook to mediate in talks between Mr O'Donovan, M&S and Roches.
Meanwhile other workers at the Wilton Shopping Centre could also be let go, with traders claiming there has been a 70 per cent downturn in profit since the closure of the anchor shop Roches on September 6th.