Tight security as Gilligan is charged with having mobile phone in prison

CONVICTED DRUG criminal John Gilligan (57) appeared before a sitting of Portlaoise District Court yesterday charged with possessing…

CONVICTED DRUG criminal John Gilligan (57) appeared before a sitting of Portlaoise District Court yesterday charged with possessing a mobile phone in Portlaoise Prison in July, 2008.

Security was tight as three Army jeeps and two Garda vans escorted the prisoner to the courthouse. Armed soldiers took up positions outside the court as Gilligan was led in.

Det Sgt Tom McGrath told the court he had arrested Gilligan and charged him with the offence earlier in the day. The defendant made no reply when charged with possessing a mobile phone, contrary to Section 36 of the Prisons Act 2007, on July 30th, 2008.

Insp Tom Mooney said Gilligan was in custody and was not due for release until 2013.


He described the charge as serious and said it would carry a consecutive sentence.

Dismissing Judge Gerard Haughton’s offer of legal aid, Gilligan stood up and said: “No thank you, I will represent myself.” When the issue of bail arose, Gilligan again refused to entertain the idea. “I don’t want bail. I never got bail before, why take it now,” he commented.

Judge Haughton remanded Gilligan in custody in Portlaoise Prison to appear at Portlaoise District Court on Monday, August 3rd. “Thank you very much, thank you,” Gilligan responded.

Possessing a mobile phone in prison can attract a possible five- year sentence.