Three questioned over €1m Dublin heroin seizure

Gardaí are continuing to question three people over the seizure of heroin worth an estimated €1 million in west Dublin last night…

Gardaí are continuing to question three people over the seizure of heroin worth an estimated €1 million in west Dublin last night.

Two men and a woman were arrested following the find of 5kg of heroin.

The seizure followed a search at a house in Clondalkin at 10pm. Gardaí from the Ballyfermot Drugs Unit also found a sum of cash.

The men, aged 33 and 55, and the woman - aged 33 - are being questioned at Ballyfermot Garda station under Section 2 of the Drug Trafficking Act.


They can be questioned for up to seven days from the time of arrest before being released or charged.