The Hive

THIS game has absolutely nothing to do with bee keeping

THIS game has absolutely nothing to do with bee keeping. It revolves around a hive all right but the contents of this particular hive are far from sweet. Millions of years' ago there was a strain of genetically engineered Hivasects created to produce a deadly bio toxin but this proved so lethal that it wiped out the race that had invented it.

Years later traces of this civilisation are found and, as a result, the entire solar system is put under quarantine. The Black Nebus Mob decides to revive these Hivasects by extracting . DNA from the Hivasect queen and create their own hive, which threatens the whole galaxy. You as Max have to seek out and destroy it before it realises its deadly potential.

With a spectacular opening sequence, you are immediately enamoured. But with what looks like being a fairly decent game, you soon realise that you have no command over your craft as it is on a set route. So all you are left to control is a dinky cross hair which you direct around the screen pointing and firing simultaneously at the enemy.

This is basically all The Hive has to offer and pre rendered games like this have long been the curse of the modern game player.


The Hive is designed exclusively for Windows 95.