THE deputy leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Mr John Taylor, said last night that the "pan nationalist front in the Dublin, Forum, after many months of talking to each other, have failed to reach agreement". This outcome had been expected by most people in Northern Ireland.
"If nationalists cannot agree on the issue of consent, what hope is there for all party agreement in Northern Ireland between unionists and Sinn Fein? The Dublin Forum has served one purpose: it, has exposed the reality that Sinn Fein is an obstacle to political agreement, even among nationalists."
The Progressive Democrats chairman, Senator John Dardis, said his party fully supported the report of the drafting committee and urged Sinn Fein to accept the principle that the consent of the people of Northern Ireland was necessary for a solution.
He welcomed Sinn Fein's acceptance of the principle that violence and coercion were not an acceptable way to pursue political goals. He said he believed it was in the best interests of all the people of Britain and Ireland for all party talks to be convened resolutely and speedily".