Who needs an international day for women?

There has always been something self-conscious and forced about event

Women light candles while they take part in a rally to commemorate International Women’s Day yesterday  in Karachi, Pakistan.  Photograph: Athar Hussain/Reuters
Women light candles while they take part in a rally to commemorate International Women’s Day yesterday in Karachi, Pakistan. Photograph: Athar Hussain/Reuters

It’s strange to be reminded that International Women’s Day is more than a century old. Somehow it always gives the impression that it is an idea that has not quite caught on.

Worse than that, and in this part of the world at least, International Women’s Day, unlike Mother’s Day or even the Oscars, has never broken out of the ghetto of officialdom and succeeded in being marked on the emotional calendar of ordinary life.

With the best will in the world there has always been something self-conscious and forced about it.

Women light candles while they take part in a rally to commemorate International Women’s Day yesterday  in Karachi, Pakistan.  Photograph: Athar Hussain/Reuters
Women light candles while they take part in a rally to commemorate International Women’s Day yesterday in Karachi, Pakistan. Photograph: Athar Hussain/Reuters
Top business women celebrate International Women’s Day at Dublin Castle. Left to right are Felicity McCarthy (Spark Digital), Mary Fehly Hobbs (president, Network Ireland), broadcaster Mary Kennedy, and Anne O’Mahony of Concern. Photograph: Suzanne Thompson/Circus Photography
Top business women celebrate International Women’s Day at Dublin Castle. Left to right are Felicity McCarthy (Spark Digital), Mary Fehly Hobbs (president, Network Ireland), broadcaster Mary Kennedy, and Anne O’Mahony of Concern. Photograph: Suzanne Thompson/Circus Photography

Of course it is understandable that women engaged in life-and-death struggles across the world grab any excuse to force their way to the lectern.


On this day in 2012, for example, a woman called Etenesh Daniel addressed the United Nations’ Women and Africa symposium.

Presumably, as an Ethiopian farmer, her chances of addressing such an auspicious gathering would normally be nil. However, there’s something seriously wrong with an ostensibly humanitarian system that allows itself just one day a year to be addressed by women living in poverty.

Apparently the UN’s slogan for this year’s IWD is “Equality for Women is Progress for All”. Who knew?

Much more successful are the three spoof magazine covers created by the Catapult group in the United States. Childbride , Good Slavekeeping and Thirteen take the war to the huge commercial women's magazines Brides , Good Housekeeping and Seventeen in order to highlight how we women in the rich West profit from the suppression and cheap labour of women in the developing world.

Who cares?
Part of the celebration by the Guardian newspaper included a feature listing the "Fifty Most Influential Women in British Sport".

In a spirit of solidarity with all the aching heads who have to come up with headlines about International Women’s Day – really, who cares?

Women across the world have enough battles to fight without taking trying to integrate International Women’s Day into our lives.

In Ireland we already have a day designated for women, January 6th, Nollaig na mBan, which is also the feast of the Epiphany.

And there are signs of change: a spokeswoman for Dublin City Council confirmed that this year it does not have any events on its calendar to celebrate International Women’s Day.

This is the reality: International Women’s Day has never become relevant to ordinary women’s lives here.

For the most part it remains the property of professional agitators and a fig leaf for an officialdom which will do nothing practical – on childcare, on maternity services, even on public lighting and policing to make our streets safer – in order to improve women’s lives.

As quite a few women have said, “If they’re that pushed about it why don’t they give us the day off?”