Skinhead duo planned drive-by assassination

TWO WHITE supremacists arrested in Tennessee planned to assassinate Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama while dressed…

TWO WHITE supremacists arrested in Tennessee planned to assassinate Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama while dressed in white tuxedos and wearing top hats and shooting from a speeding car, court documents released yesterday allege.

Daniel Cowart (20) from Tennessee and Paul Schlesselman (18) from Arkansas were arrested on Wednesday for possessing firearms, making threats against a presidential candidate and conspiring to rob a gun store. The pair, who abandoned the gun shop robbery plan, came to the attention of police in Jackson, Tennessee after they had shot out the window of a church and used chalk to put white supremacist slogans on their car.

Describing the two as neo-Nazi skinheads, local authorities alleged that they had planned to kill 88 people - and to behead 14 more in a school in Helena, Tennessee.

The numbers 14 and 88 have symbolic significance in skinhead culture.