Taoiseach rules out Donegal byelection on Lisbon vote day

TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen ruled out holding the Donegal South-West byelection on the same day as the planned Lisbon Treaty referendum…

TAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen ruled out holding the Donegal South-West byelection on the same day as the planned Lisbon Treaty referendum. The vacancy has been caused by the election of Fianna Fáil TD Pat “the Cope” Gallagher to the European Parliament.

Mr Cowen was challenged by Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin to accept his party’s motion to move the writ. “Will the Government support the motion to allow the byelection be held at the earliest opportunity so that the people of Donegal South-West can have full representation in the Dáil?,” asked Mr Ó Caoláin.

He asked if the Taoiseach would accept that it was sensible, from a cost and convenience point of view, to have the byelection held on the same day as the referendum, which was signalled for early October. If both were held on the same day, it would be necessary to move the writ before the Dáil adjourned for the summer recess next week, he added.

Mr Cowen said that the Government did not intend moving the writ before the summer recess.


Pressed by Mr Ó Caoláin to say if the byelection would be held on the same day as the referendum, Mr Cowen replied: “I would not think so.” When asked by Mr Ó Caoláin what he was afraid of, the Taoiseach replied: “Nothing, certainly not the deputy.” Mr Ó Caoláin said that the Government should face the Donegal South-West electorate. “I have nothing to fear from the deputy since they decommissioned,” said Mr Cowen.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times