Orangemen and their supporters were tonight urged to ensure this year's Drumcree march passes off peacefully as unionists rebuked the Parades Commission for its handling of the march.
Orangeman Mr Denis Watson and Ulster Unionist leader Mr David Trimble accused the commission of treating compromise proposals put forward by the Order on Thursday with disdain.
Mr Watson - the Co Armagh Grand Master of the Order and a Stormont Assembly member - said the commission had not given serious consideration to proposals aimed at resolving the dispute.
He said: "The Portadown District showed with these proposals it was prepared to go the extra mile but it would appear the commission members did not even read the contents of the 20-page document or they would have come back to them with questions."
Earlier the former First Minister, Mr Trimble, said he was "appalled" by the commission's handling of the document.
He said when the "full story" was known, it would raise questions about the way in which the commission conducted itself over the last week.
Mr Trimble, in whose constituency Drumcree is situated, told BBC Radio Ulster it was vital people supporting the Portadown Orangemen maintained a peaceful protest.
Mr Watson also said it was imperative people focused on the main purpose of tomorrow's parade - a church service where Orangemen could "worship God and remember those who made the supreme sacrifice at the Battle of the Somme."
Northern Ireland Secretary Mr John Reid appealed for calm on all sides in the run-up to tomorrow's march.
"At any moment we could have difficulties here. I obviously hope that cool heads will prevail both in the Province and during the talks," he said.
Meanwhile a spokesman for the Parades Commission has rejected Mr Watson's claims.
He said the Orange Order's document was read and was discussed at length before the commission completed its review of its earlier decision.
The spokesman acknowledged "progress" had been made in recent days towards resolving the Drumcree dispute and urged both sides to "bank that progress and build on it."