A Co Offaly-based pipe and tile manufacturer has made a settlement of more than €8 million with the Revenue Commissioners.
According to the latest Tax Defaulters’ List for the three months to the end of September, Condron Concrete Ltd, Arden Road, Tullamore paid €8,108,799, including tax arrears, interest and penalties.
The settlement was made in relation to the under-declaration of PAYE, PRSI and corporation tax as well as a result of Revenue investigations into offshore assets.
Joseph Ryle, a fancy goods and toy retailer, of Lower Castle Street, Tralee Co Kerry made a settlement of €1,058,551 in relation to the under-declaration of income tax, VAT, capital gains tax, capital acquisitions tax, and as a result of the Revenue investigation into single premium insurance products.
Of 111 published settlements today, 44 were for amounts exceeding €100,000, of which nine exceeded €500,000. Two of those nine exceeded €1,000,000.
Five settlements totalling €1.41 million related to bogus non-resident account holders, 24 settlements totalling €12.28 million related to Revenue investigations into offshore funds and 19 settlements totalling €3.44 million related to Revenue's single premium insurance products cases.
The published settlements reflect a portion only of all Revenue audits and investigations concluded in the three-month period. The total yield from Revenue audit and investigation programmes settled between July 1st and September 30th €123.30 million.