NI repossessions at five year high

The number of repossession actions in Northern Ireland has hit a five-year high, it was revealed today.

The number of repossession actions in Northern Ireland has hit a five-year high, it was revealed today.

There were 1,124 cases received in the courts from July to September, a 12 per cent increase on the same period the previous year.

Lauren Kerr, policy officer at Citizen’s Advice, said more people than ever were coming through their doors.

“Economists would say we are starting to come out of recession but the demand for debt services is still massive,” she said.


“It is as high now as it was at the peak of the recession and is showing no sign of decreasing.” Not all writs and summonses lead to eviction or repossession.

Over the last five years the number of applications each year has increased from 2,152 to 3,628.

From July to September this year there were 299 mortgage cases disposed of.

Ms Kerr added people were usually reluctant to stop payments on their mortgages. She added some people came to Citizen’s Advice when they were already mired in debt.

“Some of our clients would have received a lot of letters and have not been able to face opening them and dealing with the problem but there is always something that can be done,” she said.