NI ombudsman may take action against officer

THE NORTH’S police ombudsman is considering “potential disciplinary matters” against a former reserve member of the RUC following…

THE NORTH’S police ombudsman is considering “potential disciplinary matters” against a former reserve member of the RUC following its inquiry into the UVF murders of six men in Loughlinisland, Co Down, 16 years ago.

Al Hutchinson’s office had sent a file on the reserve police officer to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) after he had been questioned in relation to perversion of the course of justice and aiding the killers to escape.

However, the service said on Tuesday it would not proceed with an action against the officer. The decision was criticised by the SDLP, Sinn Féin and the Relatives For Justice group, which represents some of those bereaved during the Troubles.

After the service’s announcement, the ombudsman’s office said: “We are now considering potential disciplinary matters involving a police officer arising out of our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the Loughinisland massacre.”


Six men were shot dead by a UVF gang in the Heights Bar in the village as they watched the Republic of Ireland team play in the World Cup on TV in 1994. No one has been charged in connection with the murders.

Explaining the decision not to proceed against the officer, the service said: “The PPS has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to provide a reasonable prospect of conviction of the individual reported by the office of the police ombudsman. The PPS has informed the ombudsman and the families of this decision.”

SDLP leader and South Down MP and MLA Margaret Ritchie called for the findings of the investigation into the atrocity to be published, while Sinn Féin MLA Caitríona Ruane said the decision not to proceed was “nothing short of scandalous”.

“The loss of life that occurred in the Heights Bar exposed serious flaws in the RUC’s original ‘investigation’ and there is no doubt in my mind that many of the UVF gang involved in this gun attack were colluding directly with Special Branch,” she added.

The ombudsman’s office said it would publish its report on the case when it had finished “completion work” in the new year.