Minister opposes opening of fishing zone

Opening up the Irish Box fishing zone runs directly contrary to the European Commission's stated policy which is to try and conserve…

Opening up the Irish Box fishing zone runs directly contrary to the European Commission's stated policy which is to try and conserve fish stocks to ensure a future for the industry, the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Mr Ahern said today.

Speaking following a meeting with his counterpart and holder of the Danish presidency Ms Mariann Boel in Copenhagen Mr Ahern said if the Commission agreed with the legal argument put forward by Spain to open the area to all nations, it would make "a mockery" of the policy of conservation.

In a legal opinion submitted to the EU Council the right to restrict access to fishery areas beyond 12 miles limits is questioned. The Irish Box extends for some 50 miles off the coast.

He said an "armada" of Spanish fishing vessels would very quickly significantly reduce the fish stocks in that area if the area was opened to all nations.


Mr Ahern said he has arranged a meeting of the main fisheries representative groups and the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Commissioner, Mr Franz Fischler in Dublin next Monday. Mr Ahern will also hold talks with Mr Fischler.

Impetus is added to bringing forward compromise proposals on Common Fisheries Policy reform due to the December Council. At this meeting ministers will be given the most up-to-date scientific advice on annual fish quotas with a zero cod catch in the North and Irish Seas recommended.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times