Man kicked his brother's head so hard he broke his leg, court told

A friendly pub drink for two brothers watching Ireland play an international rugby match on TV in March 2004 ended in tragedy…

A friendly pub drink for two brothers watching Ireland play an international rugby match on TV in March 2004 ended in tragedy, the Circuit Criminal Court was told yesterday.

A savage row erupted between Frank McDonnell and his brother Liam, who received fatal injuries, John Jordan BL, for the State, told Judge Donagh McDonagh at the opening of the manslaughter trial in Castlebar.

Frank McDonnell (35), an engineering plant worker, kicked his brother in the head so hard after following him home that he broke his leg in the process, Mr Jordan claimed.

The pair had earlier watched an Ireland rugby match together and had drunk a lot, Mr Jordan said.


The men had a disagreement in Cox's late night bar and restaurant in Tucker Street, Castlebar, where Liam McDonnell was head doorman.

It continued on the street and doormen and gardaí intervened, counsel stated.

Summarising the evidence against Frank McDonnell, Partry, Co Mayo, but originally from Walkinstown, Dublin, Mr Jordan said the deceased walked the almost 2km to his home but was followed by his brother and the fatal incident occurred.

Frank McDonnell is pleading not guilty to manslaughter at Rossmor Estate, Carrowncurry, Castlebar, on March 28th, 2004.

He is also pleading not guilty to causing serious harm to Liam McDonnell contrary to Section 4 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

Mr Jordan told the court that a doorman from Cox's had tried to stop Frank McDonnell following his brother home, but the accused had got into his car and driven to Rossmor Estate where a fight took place in the estate's green area.

Afterwards, Liam McDonnell was found semi-conscious in a driveway, counsel said. There was blood on his face and head. He was taken to Mayo General Hospital in Castlebar, where he was pronounced dead around 5am.

Mr Jordan said Frank McDonnell was conscious at the scene and talking when gardaí arrived, but his leg was broken.

There would be evidence that he broke his leg with the force of the kicking he gave his brother.

Rossmor Estate residents gave evidence to the hearing yesterday.

Ms Siobhán O'Neill said she was awoken by shouting in the early hours.

She looked out the window and saw two men walking by very slowly.

"They started at each other," she said.

"One went to the ground. The other fellow started kicking him. He was being kicked on the head."

Ms O'Neill said one man kicked the other in the head at least three or four times.

The man who was doing the kicking then backed off and said: "Liam, I think I have broken my leg." There was no response from the other person. The trial is continuing.