The High Court has fixed Tuesday next for the hearing of proceedings by Dublin auctioneer Mr John Finnegan against the Flood tribunal.
On July 7th Mr Finnegan was given leave to seek a number of orders against the tribunal, where he has been questioned about the affairs of former minister Mr Ray Burke. The tribunal is seeking to have the application set aside.
Mr Finnegan, of Monkstown, Co Dublin, is seeking an order prohibiting further inquiry by the tribunal of him and a ruling preventing the continuation in public of an inquiry into his affairs except within the tribunal's terms of reference.
Yesterday, the President of the High Court, Mr Justice Morris, fixed Tuesday next as the day for the full hearing. The matter will be heard by Mr Justice Kearns.
Mr Jack Fitzgerald SC, for Mr Finnegan, said his side had no complaint about the tribunal continuing. However, unfair allegations were being made against Mr Finnegan, he said. They were being made outside the tribunal's terms of reference. It was not a courtesy to Mr Finnegan or the High Court to have the tribunal touch on those matters.