On the Couch

Godfrey Fletcher , chief executive of the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland

Godfrey Fletcher, chief executive of the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland

Occupation: Chief executive officer of Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland.

Personal/family: Married to Patricia with two daughters - Emma and Leanne.

What figure from the world of medicine or health do you most admire? I admire Christiaan Barnard who carried out the first human heart transplant in 1967. I also have great admiration not just for the doctors and surgeons who continue in his steps but also the great courage of transplant patients and their families. My father-in-law Dr Edwin Lillie, a past Master of the Rotunda Hospital, has been a big influence on me. A highly respected obstetrician and gynaecologist, he treated his patients with the greatest of respect in a humane and gentlemanly way.


What other career might you have chosen? After qualifying in zoology the thought of a career in medicine did cross my mind but at that stage I could not face the idea of many more years of hard study.

If you could grant three wishes for the health service, what would they be? The immediate implementation of a new highly efficient health service where there is ample staff and facilities to offer a world-class health service. Given that Ireland has the highest incidence of cystic fibrosis I would ensure Ireland becomes a leader in developing ground-breaking treatments in the management and cure of the disease. I would develop a highly efficient organ transplant system for Ireland so that the demand for transplants can be met within acceptable time limits.

What is your greatest fear? I have never been a strong swimmer so I guess that my greatest fear is of drowning.

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one? I was only once a patient when I was about 15 when I had my tonsils out. I remember that it hurt like hell and I don't believe I was a very good patient.

When or where are you happiest? I am happiest when I can spend quality time with my family. At work I get great satisfaction when I see good results from something that I have put a lot of effort into.

How do you cope with stress? I exercise to burn it off. I find it difficult to practise what I preach and I allow stress to build up before taking action.

What is the trait that you most admire in yourself? I love new challenges and the bigger they are the better.

What is the trait you most dislike in yourself? At times I can be reserved. I would love to be more outgoing and confident in my own capabilities.

Do you use alternative or complementary medicine or therapies? I always have my cup of green tea in the morning.

Who or what makes you laugh? Billy Connolly.

What is your motto? My father always said to me "just do your best". I have always tried to keep to this.

What is you favourite TV or radio programme? I enjoy any nature programme and also thrillers such as 24.

What books would you bring to a desert island? Two books by Mikhail Sholokhov - And Quiet flows the Don and The Don Flows Home to the Sea. James Michener's Hawaii and Wilbur Smith's Courtney family series, for escapism.

(Interview by Fiona Tyrrell)