Current cases before the IPA

A sample of the cases currently being handled by the IPA on behalf of patients.

A sample of the cases currently being handled by the IPA on behalf of patients.

John and Mary have a baby girl, who fell and was injured at a crèche. A few days later, her parents brought her to hospital. The consultant decided she had been injured by abusive feeding, kept her in, and initiated a full child abuse protocol. After a long, harrowing experience, the parents were found innocent. They were told that only one out of 11 such suspect cases was upheld, meaning that many other innocent parents have endured this. They are seeking an apology.

Tom is in the late stages of Alzheimer's disease, and is in a general hospital.

To add to his wife's distress, he has allegedly been repeatedly physically assaulted by a fellow patient. Due to his anxiety, he has been tightly restrained at night - a matter currently under review.


Another issue concerns the use of a medication which should not be used if a patient has had a seizure (Tom has had two). The hospital is understood to be taking these matters very seriously, following intervention by the IPA.

Susan has suffered for many years from pelvic abscesses, and is often admitted to intensive care, with devastating effects on her and her family. Her GP is frustrated that there has been no multi-disciplinary review of her case. Her illness may be attributable to a hysterectomy some years ago. Her GP feels she is only being treated for symptoms rather than any underlying cause. The IPA has opened a door for a clinical review.

Anne is an elderly patient, paralysed from the neck down and bedridden in a nursing home for many years. Despite the recommendations of medical professionals, and being top of a waiting list for years, she was not moved to another nursing home where she wished to be closer to friends and her prayer group. Recently, the IPA made contact with the appropriate decision maker, and she was moved within two weeks, affording her much happiness and peace.

Names have been changed to protect privacy