INSTEAD of facing the prospect of joining one of the country's long waiting lists for a hospital bed, patients with disorders…

INSTEAD of facing the prospect of joining one of the country's long waiting lists for a hospital bed, patients with disorders rang jug from duodenal ulcers to lung tumours, asthma and bowel disorders can now avail of endoscopy diagnosis and treatment facilities at a new daycare centre which has just opened at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. The centre will be attended by an estimated 6,000 patients.

MEANWHILE, on Wednesday at 8 p.m. there will be the first in a series of five health information lectures at Dublin's Beaumont Hospital. Wednesday's topic is "Skin Disorders and Skin Cancer" and the speaker is Dr Gillian Murphy, consultant dermatologist at the hospital.

Other topics will include asthma, sports injuries and healthy eating. The venue is the Carmichael Lecture Theatre near the main entrance to Beaumont. Admission is free and all are welcome.

A MENOPAUSE workshop will be held on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Upper Mount Street in Dublin.


It will include relaxation exercises, and explanations of the emotional aspects of menopause and HRT. Organised by the Well Woman Centre, the Workshop costs £15, payable in advance. Tel: 01-6621497.

TODAY at 11.30 a.m. there will be a talk on general health issues by Dr Brendan Clone, GP, at Cherish Lower Pembroke Street, Dublin.

The talk is open to single pregnant women and unmarried mothers only. Admission is free and there will he a creche facility - available with no charge. Tel: 01-6682744.

THE Coombe Women's Hospital's annual public lecture series kicks off on Tuesday, February 6th, with a lecture on endometriosis by Dr Paul Bowman.

The time is 8 p.m. and the venue is the Conference Centre in the Coombe Women's Hospital, Dublin. Admission is free.

"WORKING and Playing with Dreams" is the title of an introductory weekend to learn from your dreams based on the work of Jung. It takes place in Dublin next weekend, starting on Friday evening, and costs £85. The facilitator is therapist Martin Boroson who is also the director of the Temenos Project. Tel: 01-4960389.

THE Irish Cancer Society, the major funder of cancer research in this country, has announced the allocation of funds totalling £130,041 for Irish based cancer research projects in the year ahead.

STAYING healthy may not Just depend on your diet, exercise and whether or not you smoke.

It may also depend on how happy your marriage is, according to a US study of newly married couples as reported in The Male Report. The study shows that those spouses who became angry and hostile when talking about their problems had higher blood pressure and heart rates than those who resolved conflicts with compassion and humour.

In another, Israeli, study of 10,000 men, those at high risk for heart disease were 20 times more likely to develop chest pains than those at low risk.

The exceptions to this rule had loving, supportive wives. Well, surprise, surprise.