I've become aware that my six-year-old daughter's friend suffers from cystic fibrosis. Can you tell me what this is and if it's contagious?
Unlike an infection, cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease and cannot be passed by contact between one person and another. Therefore, there is no possibility that your daughter will "catch" it.
Cystic fibrosis is a condition that causes certain glands throughout the body to produce abnormal secretions. These abnormal secretions result in tissue and organ damage, particularly in the lungs.
Worldwide it has been estimated that three in every 100 people carry one defective copy of the gene that gives rise to cystic fibrosis, although it is not until a person inherits two defective copies of the gene from their parents that the condition develops.
Cystic fibrosis is equally common in Caucasian males and females but is rare in Asian and African races.
So it's just the lungs that are affected by the condition?
No, the condition affects many organs and glands throughout the body.
The transportation of the chemicals chloride and sodium is disrupted and dehydration and increased stickiness of secretions occurs. In some glands such as the pancreas, the secretions are thick or even solid and can block the gland completely.
Mucus-producing glands in the lungs produce abnormal secretions that clog the airways and create a perfect medium for bacteria to multiply.
Other organs that are commonly affected include the gallbladder, intestines and reproductive organs.
I would like to encourage the friendship between my daughter and her friend but have to admit to feeling a little nervous about inviting her to our home in case she gets sick. What's the best way to approach this dilemma?
The severity of cystic fibrosis varies greatly from person to person and is largely dependant on how much the lungs are affected.
As you do not indicate the extent to which the child is affected I would advise that you speak directly to her parents and ask their advice.
I am sure they would appreciate your concerns and would explain how the condition affects their daughter and what, if any, measures are needed while she is visiting you.
It's very important that children with any illness are encouraged to participate in normal childhood activities including visiting friends. Socialisation and peer support are very important and will help sustain an ill child through tough times.