Doctor to be struck off register

A DOCTOR who ignored correspondence from the Medical Council is to be removed from the medical register.

A DOCTOR who ignored correspondence from the Medical Council is to be removed from the medical register.

A fitness-to-practise committee of the council yesterday recommended Dr Nafisa Paruk, a consultant radiologist with an address in Durban, South Africa, be removed from the register as a result of her failure to respond to letters from it. The Medical Council was trying to contact her after it was informed by the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK that there had been problems with her work there. She had made errors when reporting ultrasound and CT scans at a hospital in the UK in April 2008. She worked there for a short period as a locum.

The fitness-to-practise committee ruled that the letters sent to her had been properly “served” on her. They had been sent to the same address in Durban as had been used by the GMC.