Diver dies in hospital after Cork rescue

A diver who was rescued from the sea off the Co Cork coast last night has died in hospital early this morning.

A diver who was rescued from the sea off the Co Cork coast last night has died in hospital early this morning.

The man, who was diving alone, was taken from the water in Goleen Bay by the Baltimore Lifeboat yesterday evening.

He had been seen diving at 3.00pm off Spanish Point. The alarm was raised when a local man noticed his boat, which was anchored, had been unattended for two hours.

Valentia Coastguard notified Baltimore lifeboat at 7.05pm, and the Hilda Jarrettwas sent to search for the man in an area west of the Calf Islands in Roaring Water Bay. The lifeboat was joined by the LE Eithneand the Waterford rescue helicopter.


The search was moved north toward Goleen Bay, and where the man was found in the water at 11.00pm, two miles from his boat.

He was then transferred to the LE Eithnefor medical attention before being evacuated by helicopter to Cork University Hospital.

The diver has not been named.