THIRTY TWO per cent of students in secondary schools have no physical education facilities, the chairman of the Irish Sports strategy Group, Mr John Treacy, said at the weekend.
He described it as "a huge concern" for everyone involved in sport.
The former Olympic medallist told the National Coaching Forum at the National Coaching and Training Centre in Limerick that sport could be the cure for modern ills. Young people could be diverted from crime and, instead of ending up in prison, be on playing pitches or running tracks.
He told 600 sports administrators and coaches there was a need for a national participation strategy for all ages, with particular attention to the children and youth areas.
Mr Treacy said that the Irish Sports Strategy Group should have a plan ready for the Minister of State for Sport, Mr Bernard Allen, by the end of October.
The president of the Olympic Council of Ireland, Mr Pat Hickey, said that no matter what recommendations the strategy group came up with, there will be nothing but frustration if the consequent commitment is not given by the Government to increase sports, finding."
He added. I will refrain here today from reiterating my criticism of the various governments for the hijacking of the National Lottery, originally conceived mainly for the benefit of sport.
All I will say if we are to produce more Michelle Smiths in this country, we can only do so with greatly increased State subvention to all sectors, including administration.
Mr Allen announced that the European Commission has agreed to provide assistance towards the development and rationalisation of coaching qualifications in the Republic and Northern Ireland.