Money may be too tight to mention, but there are still deals to be had if you know where to look for them. SIMON TIERNEYfinds ways to live well with less cash
T he average person has roughly 70,000 thoughts per day. The involuntary nature of thoughts can be stressful for many people. Nick Gent, of the Raja Yoga Centre, says that in a recession people can “get caught in a cycle of worry” but meditation can help us “to lighten the burden within”. This week is about finding ways to respect our well-being on an empty wallet.
Bikram is done in a heated studio and can encourage deeper stretching. Bikram Yoga (Unit 9, Greenmount Industrial Estate, Harold’s Cross, Dublin, tel: 01-6570061) is offering one free class to the first 10 people to email The class will involve 26 hatha yoga postures in 40 degree heat, 40 per cent humidity, lasting 90 minutes. The free classes must be used during the week of April 30th to May 4th.
An Seomra Yoga (2/3 Small Crane Square, Sea Road, Galway, tel: 087-7598101) is giving away one free yoga class to the first 10 people to email Visit anseomrayoga.comto see the choice of classes available.
The Yoga Shala (, tel: 085-1573153) has three venues in Galway. The centre runs a number of courses including pregnancy yoga, gentle yoga and their own unique vinyasa yoga technique. They are offering one free session to 10 pairs for a class of their choice, plus one €50 voucher, when they turn up, for future use. Email, quoting "The Yoga Shala Offer" to avail. They also run "Wake Up Galway", a free programme of yoga events for charities and other organisations.
Massage, meditation and more
Dublin Holistic Massage (19 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, 086-7395511, is offering three free massages to the first people to email and quote "Dublin Holistic Massage Offer".
The Raja Yoga Centre (5 Leeson Park Avenue, Dublin 6, tel: 01-6687480), runs several meditation courses. Raja meditation is designed to help you take control of yourself and gain deeper self-awareness. Every Thursday the centre offers a free meditation session from 7-8.15pm. Email to book.
The Elbow Room (32 North Brunswick Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7, tel: 01-6779859,, is hosting a free talk, "Look after your mental health", on May 12th, 10.30-11.30am. Booking essential. Also on offer is a free 30-day pass, including one class of your choice per day, to the first five people to email Classes include yoga, pilates, zumba, body conditioning and new mum/pregnancy classes.
Pilates Plus Dublin, (8 Cumberland Street, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin, tel: 01-2806120,, is offering one free SPX class to the first 10 people to email, quoting "Pilates Offer".
Last but not least . . .
Siopa Ella, (25 Temple Lane South and 9 Crow Street, Temple Bar, Dublin, tel: 086-8407825, is a designer consignment clothing store and swap shop. Bring in your pre-loved designer clothes and they will sell them on your behalf, giving you 50 per cent of the selling price. Alternatively, you can swap your items or sell them outright and get paid cash on the spot.