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Guzzle that petrol: Environmentally unfriendly award of the week goes to General Motors in the US after it promised to cap the…

Guzzle that petrol: Environmentally unfriendly award of the week goes to General Motors in the US after it promised to cap the price of petrol in Florida and California at $1.99 (€1.56) for customers who buy certain vehicles over the next six weeks.

Many of the eligible vehicles are serious gas-guzzlers, with Hummers and SUVs featuring prominently on the list.

Runners keep track: People who don't like the thought of their runners keeping track of how much exercise they do will be dismayed that Nike is to launch trainers that do just that this summer.

The Nike+iPod Sports Kit will use a sensor in certain Nike trainers to allow communication between them and your iPod. The iPod then processes the information and offers you a commentary on time, distance, pace and calories burned- so no more lies about your workout.