Ireland's first braille postage stamp has been produced to mark the 30th anniversary of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.
The stamp's colours were chosen to provide maximum contrast between the red guide dog silhouette in the foreground and the pale yellow background.
The stamp incorporates several special design features to facilitate visually impaired and blind customers, including, braille embossing on the 48c denomination.
Speaking at the launch in Cork, Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey said he was proud to launch the stamp commemorating the charity.
"Socially, the role played by Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind in ensuring that the visually impaired are empowered to participate in and contribute to Irish society is truly commendable," he said.
"I know that the success of the organisation is down to the time, determination and selfless commitment of the many volunteers associated with the charity," he added.
The stamp's colours were chosen to provide maximum contrast between the red guide dog silhouette in the foreground and the pale yellow background. The typography and font size as well as the unusually wide gap between the images and the text have been designed for maximum visibility.
Designed by Steve Simpson, the stamp and special first day cover are available from main Post Offices, GPO Dublin, GPO Cork, by phone at 01 705 7400 and online at