Birthrate in Northern Ireland shows increase

The population of northern Ireland is growing, new statistics out today reveal.

The population of northern Ireland is growing, new statistics out today reveal.

The birthrate has risen over the last year while the number of deaths has fallen, it has emerged.

A total of 21,959 children were born to northern Ireland mothers in 2001, an increase of more than 400 on the previous year's total of 21,512.

However, this increase bucked a four-year downward trend in the number of births, with 2000 and 2001 seeing the lowest ever figures recorded.


Meanwhile, a total of 14,513 Northern Ireland residents died in 2001, a fall of 390 on the previous year. The year 2001 saw the lowest number of deaths for at least 10 years.

The figures were provided by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, which tracks the number of births and deaths registered in northern Ireland.

However, while the overall number of deaths has fallen, the number of stillbirths rose from 93 to 112 in the last two years. Although, these figures were also the lowest ever recorded.

The number of children who died in infancy has also risen from 109 in 2000 to 134 in 2001. These too were the lowest figures ever recorded.