An angel shark captivates children in Galway

There may have been a television personality and a Government Minister in the building, but there was no denying the biggest …

There may have been a television personality and a Government Minister in the building, but there was no denying the biggest attraction when the Galway Atlantaquaria hosted the launch of National Science Week with a special "Fun Day" for children yesterday.

A 20 kilo angel shark, which was netted by a Connemara fisherman three weeks ago, captivated adults and children alike during the afternoon of activities to launch the event.

The shark has been a little camera shy since it moved to its new home in the aquarium, although a scuba diver was on hand to coax it out from behind a rock in a huge fish tank.

"How did he get there?" roared one four-year-old boy, equally captivated by the diver.


Visitors to the Salthill facility were also enthralled to see a healthy 40-year-old lobster, believed to be the oldest in Ireland, which was caught at Achill, Co Mayo, some years ago.

For many, the highlight of the afternoon was a pantomime by primary school children from Scoil Ide in Galway city, which was based around the theme of an octopus who falls in love.

Minister Frank Fahey, who launched Science Week at the Atlantaquaria, was on hand to present gift packs to each of the children who took part in the colourful pantomime.

Mr Campbell said the purpose of the "Fun Day" was to raise awareness of the marine environment among school children, of whom 380 had entered a photographic competition based on a marine theme.

"Everyone who came here today seemed to really enjoy themselves and many of them were astounded that everything in the Galway Atlantaquaria is native to Ireland, except the sea horses, which were bred in Carna, Co Galway," he said.

The activities began with a talk by guest speaker Mr Duncan Stewart, from the About the House show on RTÉ television.

Visitors were free to roam the Salthill facility in order to check out the various fish species which included conger eels, sand eels, starfish, tarbot, and spotted dogfish.