The abolition of the Combat Poverty Agency was condemned by Labour Party spokesman on Europe and human rights Joe Costello today, who pledged that in government his party would restore it.
He told the party’s national conference in Galway the party had a track record second to none in tackling poverty and social exclusion.
“Frank Cluskey, former leader of the Labour Party, established the Combat Poverty Agency in 1974. Thirty five years later Fianna Fáil and the Green Party abolished it.,” he said.
Mr Costello said that in 1975 the Labour Party had taken the Combat Poverty concept to Europe and convinced the EEC to take it on board, much against the wishes of Germany at the time.
“It has continued to inform EU strategy on poverty and social exclusion ever since.
In 2000 it became an integral part of the ten year Lisbon strategy which ended this year.
“Now, appropriately, 2010 is the European Year of Combating Poverty and Social exclusion. The EU Commission is finalising the new European 20:20 strategy for the next decade.”
He said that with 79 million people in the EU in poverty or at risk of poverty, including 19 million children, it was essential that the proposed target of a 25 per cent reduction in poverty levels over ten years be set at the beginning of the new 20:20 strategy.
“Such a poverty reduction target, with built in strategies for delivery it would lift 20 million people out of poverty and reconnect people to the EU as a body relevant to their needs.
“But first we must put our own house in order here in Ireland. We must reverse the disgraceful decision by Fianna Fáil and the Green Party last year to abolish the Combat Poverty Agency which dealt with the poorest of the poor and, particularly with the deprived and neglected children in our society.
In the current crisis, more than ever, we need a strong independent voice for those who are less well off.”
He said the conference should send out a loud and clear message that Labour in Government will re establish the Combat Poverty Agency on an independent, statutory basis and that this commitment will be included in any future Programme for Government.
“Again, it was Frank Cluskey stated that poverty is a product of inequality. Is it any wonder then that that having abolished the Agency dealing with poverty this shameless Government ploughed on to spancil the two statutory agencies dealing with equality,-the Irish Human Rights Commission and the Equality Authority, by slashing their budgets by 24 per cent and 43 per cent respectively?
“Once again let us here today pledge that in Government the Labour Party will ensure that these statutory bodies are sufficiently resourced to enable them to work properly and to function effectively for the future."