The Gandhis

After Autumn 1969 Records ***

After Autumn1969 Records ***

Instead of fading into a haze of existential woe after their 2009 debut, You Are My Friend, quietly fizzled out, The Gandhis picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and recorded a follow-up. You get the feeling that After Autumn, a collection of guitar-led indie tracks that seldom stray from the dreamy, solemn strum of opening track Brother, is the Dublin quartet's attempt at a more "mature" sound. There's still room for some fun, though. Girl is a highlight with its breezy, Badly Drawn Boy-style ruminations, while It's Always Been Alright dabbles tentatively in bumbling pop whimsy, Conor Deasy's unusual croon providing his band with their most distinguishing feature. There are promising moments here, but also a sense that The Gandhis have yet to craft their masterpiece.

Download tracks: Girl, It's Always Been Alright

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times