
Seefeel Warp ***

Seefeel Warp***

It's nearly 15 years since the last Seefeel album, and a lot has changed in this neck of the woods. Once a band who camped out in the Venn diagram between electronica and shoegazing, Seefeel version 2.0 have moved on significantly from a time when blissful rave-outs were their stock-in- trade. There's now an intensity powering every track. Perhaps it's newbies to the Seefeel party (DJ Scotch Egg and Boredoms' drummer Iida Kazuhisa) who are responsible for this new direction and the move away from lighter fare. Seefeelis tough, twitchy, unpredictable, full of creative about-turns, obtuse angles and interesting cul-de-sacs. The album is never less than busily creative, all the time stitching new noises into the canvas. See

Download tracks: Faults, Dead Guitars