
Force of Habit Reekus **

Force of Habit Reekus**

Dubliners Saccade have been testing the waters for a few years with their boisterous, promising synth-driven rock music. Self-released demos and a can-do approach have also buoyed not just the spirits of the group but also those around them: here's a band that is proactive and ready to ruck. What a shame, then, that their debut album suffers from the kind of familiarity that all too often knobbles a band from the start. Tracks such as See How They Fly, Last Tango, Stupefy, Breathe, Hang Onand Shoulder Bladehave been heard so many times before in so many different ways (although, it has to be said, with not as much creative invention or contrast) that by the time Force of Habitis over you're left wondering where exactly Saccade are coming from. Indeed, Force of Habitcould well be the most aptly titled Irish album of the year. See

Download track: Poor Boy

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture