From thrillers to academic works

The ninth annual second-hand book sale at Trinity College, Dublin starts next Tuesday at 5.30 p.m

The ninth annual second-hand book sale at Trinity College, Dublin starts next Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. and continues for the following two days. As usual, a wide variety of items will be on offer, spanning everything from thrillers to academic works; the organisers say this year's sale is particularly strong on biography, Irish literature and biology. An auction of rare books, numbering almost 30 lots, will be auctioned by John de Vere White at 7 p.m. on Tuesday; admission on the first evening is £2 but free on subsequent days. Last year's sale raised more than £12,000, which was used to buy research materials for the college library and specialist departmental libraries. The sale takes place in the college's Exam Hall in Front Square.

Clearance sale for Dundrum Warehouse

The Dublin Bookbrowser's Warehouse in Dundrum, Dublin, is holding a clearance sale this week, running from midday until 6 p.m. today and tomorrow. At the same time, the warehouse is presenting its first book catalogue. There are over 600 entries, covering Irish and children's interest, sport, transport and travel.

There are also original drawings by George Russell, a signed edition of Life in the West of Ireland by Jack B. Yeats, with an original watercolour, a first edition C-issue of Gulliver's Travels and items of local Irish history. For further information, contact the Dublin Bookbrowser's Warehouse, tel 012964212.