Crosaire No 16911 by Crossheir – Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Managed (MADE DO) leaders of development enterprise dutifully (leaders of ‘development enterprise dutifully’ = -DE D-) welcomed by chairman? (Chairman Mao = MA- -O) (MADE DO),

9 Contaminates (POLLUTES) most of (e) the staff (‘pole’ without ‘e’ = POL-) with old instruments (-LUTES) (POLLUTES),

10 Chance (RISK) is quick (brisk) to lose the head (b) (‘brisk’ without ‘b’ = RISK),

11 The volume (book) of the foreigners coming to Ireland (PHRASE BOOK), in a manner of speaking (PHRASE), for Dubliners? (James Joyce’s ‘Dubliners’ = BOOK) (PHRASE BOOK),


12 British (B-) piece of beef (-RIB-) from English (-E-) extreme butchers (extreme ‘butchers’ = -S) (BRIBES) has illegal sweeteners (BRIBES),

14 Place to eat (SNACK BAR) by small (S-), rough (= anagram indicator) cab rank (cab rank = - NACK BAR) (SNACK BAR),

15 One of those taking a chance, on balance (TIGHTROPE WALKER), on The Wire (TIGHTROPE WALKER),

18 Supplier (PROVIDER) of papers (-ID- papers) consumed by show of evidence (prove = PROV-E-) is right (-R) (PROVIDER),

20 Samples (TASTES) and collections (sets = -STES) from a (-A-) time (T-) going all the way back (= reverse all indicator) (TASTES),

22 Bird (tit) starting off (t) (‘tit’ = IT) refuses to (WON’T) do the dishes? (WASH) (IT WON’T WASH) Don’t believe it! (IT WON’T WASH),

24 Yanks (yanks/pulls = TUGS) and Portuguese dismissing Europe (‘Portuguese’ dismissing ‘Europe’ = tugs = TUGS),

25 Charges (ENTRUSTS) for key (music key E-) new (-N-) financial arrangements protecting funds (-TRUSTS) (ENTRUSTS),

26 Nothing (O-) survives (-LIVES) (OLIVES) The Greens (OLIVES).


1 Engineering (E-) a (-A-) bizarre (= anagram indicator) rise (rise = -SIER) (EASIER) is getting less difficult (EASIER),

2 Knock down with a punch local (DECK) doing the rounds with Dempsey? Jack! (doing the rounds with ‘Dempsey? Jack’ =DECK),

3 Writer (COMPOSER) of Morse cop (morse cop = COMPOSER) novel (= anagram indicator),

4 Spins (= reversal indicator) music (rap = -PAR) for school (S-) (SPAR) practice in the gym (SPAR),

5 Pose a question (-ASK-) after (= positional indicator) gangster (Al Capone = AL-) goes AWOL heading (‘AWOL’ heading = -A) (ALASKA) out of American state (ALASKA),

6 More than one of those types in 24 down (more than one ‘twit’ = twits = NUMBSKULLS) shocked (NUMB-) heads from archaeology department (-SKULLS) (NUMBSKULLS),

7 Last month (DEC-), old (-O-) judge (-RATE) (DECORATE) produced paper (paper = DECORATE),

13 Conducts (BEHAVIOURS) Berlin ensemble hosting leaders (‘Berlin ensemble hosting’ leaders of = BEH-) the knights in shining armour (saviours) needing no introduction (s) (‘saviours’ without ‘s’ = -AVIOURS) (BEHAVIOURS),

14 Senior Garda (SUPER) backs (= reversal indicator) agents (reps = S-PER) holding underworld leader (‘underworld’ leader = -U-) (SUPER),

16 Institute (I-) writing (from 3R’s = -R-) with bluster (-R-ANT) over city centre (‘city’ centre = -IT-) (IRRITANT) will only inflame things (IRRITANT),

17 Spy (WATCH-) on party (-DO-) for Government (-G) (WATCHDOG) Ombudsman (WATCHDOG),

19 Feel animosity (DETEST) to writer (ed) reviewing (= reversal indicator) (ed = DE-) trial (-TEST) (DETEST),

21 English (E-) lawyer (Attorney General = -AG-) from the foreign (the = -LE-) school (-S) (EAGLES) of high flyers (EAGLES),

23 Nicholas drops chin (‘Nicholas’ drops ‘chin’ = olas = ALSO) too (ALSO),

24 Silly type (TWIT) of time switch has no chimes (‘time switch’ has no ‘chimes’ = tiwt = TWIT).