Compiled by JOHN COLLINS
App developer Thomas Suarez
HE’S 12, he has two apps available on Apple’s App Store and he speaks confidently at a TEDx event in Manhattan Beach.
Meet Tom Suarez, who confidently tells his adult audience he’s always had a fascination for technology, before making an impassioned plea to change the way education is taught.
Facebook’s own young genius, Mark Zuckerberg, should hire Suarez before he starts a rival company.
The Verge for news on consumer electronics
THE SENIOR editorial team of Engadget defected from its parent, AOL, in March and have now revealed their latest project, the Verge. With a bold, graphics- heavy design, it is intended to be the ultimate destination for consumer electronics reviews and analysis of trends in the industry.
With its app-like interface, the Verge also points to what mainstream media sites might look like in the near future.
Letters for Santa app for iPad and Android
WITH THE iPad reportedly the Christmas present of choice for six- to 12-year-olds in the US, what better way for the 21st-century child to draw up their list of demands for Santa than on a tablet app. Created by Dublin firm drawinginc, the Letters for Santa iPad and Android app lets kids handwrite a letter to Mr Claus and get an instant response straight from the North Pole. For €1.59 you also get an interactive Christmas story which mixes sound, animation and touchpoints.
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