After our recent article about the medical and dental expenses that can be claimed for income tax purposes, Mr P from Waterford, an asthmatic, wrote to ask if "sums payable to a herbalist, reflexologist or alternative medical personnel is also allowed and is money spent on `z' nets for bedding - mattress, duvet and pillow coverings allowable against tax?"
In its published list, the Revenue Commissioners permits the cost of "physiotherapy or similar treatment" as a medical expense. According to a spokesperson, the fees of herbalists, reflexologists and others are not deductible unless your GP or consultant has specifically referred you to them.
You will need to include the letter of referral with your receipts when making the MED 1 claim. Bedding of the kind Mr P describes would not normally fall under the expenses definitions, but he should check to see if it falls under health board special allowances for asthmatics.