Sinking feeling at the Nasdaq

Another newcomer has arrived on Dublin's burgeoning bar scene, described in its own advertising as the city's "newest and trendiest…

Another newcomer has arrived on Dublin's burgeoning bar scene, described in its own advertising as the city's "newest and trendiest" place to raise a pint. Or maybe the verb "sink" a pint would be more appropriate, as the place is called Nasdaq.

Not the most auspicious name for a new business, one would think, as the daily news brings further tales of woe, delistings of once-bright dotcoms, and the serious prospect of a few of the, er, newest and trendiest executives from those sopasse companies jumping out of (virtual) windows.

If the bar had been launched at any other time in the past 10year bull market, the name would have been almost unbearably hip.

On the other hand, at least the sad victims of the roaring bear have the perfectly-named place in which to go drown their sorrows.